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How to use unexpected colour palettes in your home for a bold style statement
How to use unexpected colour palettes in your home for a bold style statement

When decorating your home, it can be easy to stick to the safe haven of neutrals. Beige walls, taupe furniture, and a smattering of white accents create a calming, yet often uninspired, space.

But what if you crave something more?

What if you could get creative and make your home become a vibrant reflection of your unique style? Here’s how you can break free from the beige and unleash the power of unexpected colour palettes.

Embracing the power of colour

Colour is a powerful design tool. It can energise, soothe, inspire, and evoke a range of emotions. Stepping away from beige allows you to create a space that truly speaks to you.

A vibrant emerald green living room can spark creativity, a warm terracotta kitchen can feel inviting and social, and a serene lavender bedroom can promote restful sleep.

Find your unexpected palette

Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone when choosing a colour palette. Look for inspiration everywhere – a vibrant sunset, a captivating painting, even a beautiful hide rug.

Hiderugs come in a stunning array of natural colours, from the rich browns of cowhide to the soft greys of sheepskin.

Imagine a luxurious sheepskin rug in a charcoal shade anchoring a space awash in cool blues and greens, creating a sophisticated and unexpected harmony.

Building your colour palette

Creating a successful colour palette doesn't have to be a mystery. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • The rule of three: Limit your palette to three main colours, with one dominant colour, a secondary colour, and an accent colour.
  • The colour wheel is your friend: Use the colour wheel to discover complementary colours that sit opposite each other, or analogous colours that sit next to each other, for a harmonious look.
  • Consider the mood: Think about the mood you want to create in the space. Warm colours like reds and oranges tend to be energising, while cool colours like blues and greens are calming.

Bringing your bold vision to life

Once you have your palette sorted, it's time to translate it into your space. Here are some ways to incorporate bold colours:

  1. Painted walls: A bold accent wall can be a striking focal point.
  2. Statement furniture: A vibrant armchair or sofa can inject personality.
  3. Pops of colour: Use colourful throw pillows, artwork, or rugs to add vibrancy.

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